When Chasing Your Losses Won't Kill You, Try These Three Strategies

When Chasing Your Losses Won't Kill You, Try These Three Strategies

Casino gamblers started chasing their losses within minutes of the first casino opening, and gamblers are going to be chasing losses until they can’t gamble anymore. And gamblers have been losing money chasing losses for just as long.

The strategies listed in this post aren’t going to help you win more money chasing losses, but the three strategies included here aren’t as bad as the way most gamblers 온라인카지노 chase losses. Of course, you still have to be careful, but there are a few times when chasing losses won’t kill you.


The Capped Martingale


Before I tell you more about using what I called a capped Martingale betting system, I want to be 100% clear on one thing. A Martingale betting system can destroy your bankroll, and it has destroyed the entire lives of some gamblers.

I’m going to explain exactly how a Martingale gambling system works, explain how it can turn out very bad, and how you can use it with a cap to stay safe. But please don’t consider using any gambling system based on the Martingale without using a hard cap.

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You start using the system by making a small wager on one of the roulette bets that pays even money. For this example, you bet on the even numbers.

You bet twice as much on the next spin if you lose the bet. So if 19 comes up, you lose, and if you started with a $10 wager, you bet $20 on the next spin. You double your bet after each loss, so if you lose again, you bet $40.

You stop doubling your wager when you win a spin. As soon as you win on an even number, you make the $10 wager again on the next spin. So every time you win a spin, you make a profit equal to your first bet, which is $10 in this case. The rest of the money you win covers the money you previously lost.

The reason so many gamblers use the Martingale system is because it seems like a perfect system. The odds are low that you’re going to lose several wagers in a row, so you keep chasing your losses. But the fact is that eventually, you’re going to lose several bets in a row.

Here’s the progression of bets you have to make starting at $10.

$10 – $20 – $40 – $80 – $160 – $320 – $640 – $1,280

And here’s the bet progression if you start at $20.

$20 – $40 – $80 – $160 – $320 – $640 – $1,280 – $2,560

You can see how things can get out of hand quickly, and it’s even worse if you start with a higher opening wager.

Using the Martingale system, you can win most of the time you play. But eventually, all of your wins will be wiped out from a long losing streak.

But you can use a cap to make sure you never lose too much money. When I start with a $10 wager, I set my cap at $320. If I lose a bet when I get to $320, I stop playing or start over at $10. I rarely lose six bets in a row, but I never chase beyond it when I do.


Closeup of a Roulette Table


You’re going to be tempted to keep chasing your losses beyond your cap. You’re going to think that there’s no way you can lose seven or eight bets in a row. But the only way to protect yourself is to set a hard cap and never go over your cap.

When you use the Martingale with a hard cap, you’re still going to lose money in the long run. But you’re going to win most of the time you play, and you’re going to have a lot of fun along the way.


When You Have a Real Edge


Few gamblers are able to play with a real edge. A real edge is defined as making a long-term profit when you gamble.

You have to realize that there’s a difference between making a long-term profit and winning sometimes. Almost every gambler wins sometimes, but a very small percentage of gamblers can make a long-term profit.

The bad thing about these facts is it means that this section doesn’t apply to most gamblers because they never learn how to play with an edge. But if you do know how to play with an edge, you can afford to chase losses in particular situations, and it won’t kill you.

But you also need to consider that chasing losses will make your variance go up. This is because some gamblers can live with a lot of variance, as long as they’re making a profit, while other gamblers can’t stomach a lot of variance.

In order to chase losses when you have an edge, you need a large bankroll to ride out the higher variance. With a true edge, you’re still going to win in the long run, but it can be a rough ride getting to the end.

You’re usually better off not chasing losses when you have a real edge. Then, you can work with a smaller bankroll and grind out profits.


If You Have a Truly Unlimited Bankroll


The information in the first section of this post can be relevant to any gambler. The information in the second section doesn’t apply to many gamblers, but some have an edge. The information included in this third section doesn’t apply to hardly anyone. But I felt it needed to be included to show the problem with chasing your losses, even if you have an unlimited bankroll.

If you go back to the example used in the first section betting on even numbers in roulette, you could play roulette for real money your entire life and not lose 20 times in a row on an even-money wager. In fact, most gamblers are never going to lose 10 times in a row on this type of bet.

But having enough money to double your bets 10 to 20 times isn’t the only problem. The big problem is finding a place that’s willing to accept a range of bets 카지노사이트 this big. Casinos have table minimum wagers and table maximum wagers.


Casino Craps Table


Here’s how much the wagers are when you start at $10 and double your bet 15 times.

$10 – $20 – $40 – $80 – $160 – $320 – $640 – $1,280 – $2,560 – $5,120, $10,240 – $20,480 – $40,960 – $81,920 – $163,840 – $327,680

And you’re risking $327,680 plus all of the money you’ve already lost so you can win $10. You can earn $10 in interest on $327,680 by doing nothing.

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If you have a truly unlimited bankroll and you enjoy gambling, and you can find places to keep taking bigger bets, you can chase your losses all you want. But I’d argue that you can find better things to do with your time and money.


In Summary


I rarely recommend gamblers chase losses. Chasing losses in gambling is the number one way that gamblers lose more money than they want to lose. And some gamblers chase losses until they ruin their lives.

But there are three particular situations where chasing losses not only won’t kill you, but it might actually work in your favor. First, if you have enough discipline, using a capped Martingale system can be fun and profitable over a short period of time. GET MORE INFO

It can still be dangerous, but if you’re gambling with a real edge, you might be able to chase losses for a short period of time without disastrous results. Finally, if you have an unlimited bankroll, you can chase losses as long as you can find someone to take the next wager.